StartUp Founders: One Rule

Hey Reader,

Every founder is driven by the pursuit of advantage. The shortcuts, insights, frameworks, and sparks that, just maybe, ignite the one idea, the one insight, the unlock code that can be leveraged. One goal. Move faster, smarter, better.

Last week's newsletter, on founders navigating the space between what was and what will be... resonated... <join in>

The great thing about someone else's method is that one of two things will happen:

  1. Either you'll embrace it, find that it works for you, and grow because of it.
  2. You'll disagree so strongly that it brings clarity to your own approach.

Either way, you win.

There is only one golden rule to building a successful startup - it's a universal truth:

Build a winning team.
Build something people want and are willing to pay for.
Do it fast, keep it lean.

That's the whole playbook. Everything else is just details.

The frameworks, growth hacks, bits & things are just methods others have created to solve their own challenges and might help you execute these core principles better. They're the how, not the what.

Take a second, step back, and make sure you are not making this more complicated than it needs to be.

Have an amazing week.



P.S. Back to frameworks next week. For sure.

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StartUp To ScaleUp

Where 140k+ founders read my weekly newsletter offering tactical insights to start, scale, and fund their startup. Real advice from a 3x exited founder.

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